Work on our corner kennel is coming along nicely! The fencing is hung and the ground leveled (for the most part). Tomorrow we lay down the pavers around the border, and later this week we’ll put down the rest of the brick in the back half (where the dog house will go). The kennel will be fully covered to prevent jumpers, and the pavers around the border will deter diggers. We also plan to plant hollyhock flowers on the south side of the kennel to provide shade as the heat hits our valley. We had hollyhock in front of our house last year, and it reached 6 feet tall!
The heat is actually the biggest concern we’ve heard from our clients. Right now our kennels are quite comfortably shaded, but in anticipation of the heat we have eminent plans to install misters that will (hopefully) be activated by a thermostatic control. Ultimately we want to build highly insulated kennels that will be comfortable in the all weather conditions. That’s a ways down the road, but is part of our grander scheme. All of our goals center around our desire for this to be your dog’s home away from home. Thanks for trusting us with your beloved companions – we really enjoy having them!